
ESCP 出版的简介文件、报告及调查内容围绕责任采购和道德生产,题材广泛。


ESCP 关爱热线 ─ 过去十年持续为工人提供支持







ESCP 实施了多种员工福祉项目,以支持于供应链工作的父母工人。


2021 年 10 月更新

2021 年是家庭友好工厂项目实施的第 6 年。本报告介绍了参与 2021 年计划的 11 家工厂所产生的影响和取得的成就,以及 9 家重复运行家庭友好空间的工厂和今年首次加入的 2 家工厂的情况。报告展示了我们的家庭友好空间如何继续为所有参与者带来深远的益处,在如今。对工人及其子女而言,家庭友好空间可以改变亲子关系,满足儿童的成长需求。对于参与的工厂而言,可衡量的业务影响证明了家庭友好空间是解决劳动力短缺和提高各级员工参与度的有效解决方案。


ESCP为买家提供责任采购实践指南以积极面对新冠肺炎 (COVID-19) 所带来的影响。当中, 有一系列的指引去建议买家于疫情下采购时可使用的最佳实践,以帮助买家管理风险、提高业务连续性、并在疫情和复苏期间保护工人。


版本三|2018 年 10 月 30 日更新



2018 年 8 月


工人关爱热线 – 简报热线如何为工人解决疑难

2019 年 2 月

概述ESCP工人关爱帮助热线如何运作,以及自2010年推出以来, 这九年所带来的深远影响 (英文版)

家庭友好空间: 项目效益报告

2019年的家庭友好空间 (又称: FFS或快乐暑假)项目达到了有史以来的最大规模。今年有30家工厂参与了项目, 为1,100名儿童及1,240位工人提供了在暑假团聚的快乐时光。


家庭友好工厂是指企业在制定员工福利政策时应考虑员工的需求,特别是那些肩负起家庭责任的员工的需求。在联合国儿童基金会的支持、指导下,ESCP 家庭友好工厂项目已经发展起来。把联合国儿童基金会的家庭友好政策融入企业政策,能为不同国家的社会发展带来积极影响,尤其是对早期的幼儿,因为这些政策可以帮助父母、看护者平衡工作、个人生活以及照顾孩子的时间。


Read here

家庭友好工厂计划:五年以来的发展进程 ─ 成效报告2016–2020

2020年是开展家庭友好工厂计划的第五年。这份成效报告展示了家庭友好工厂计划在这些年间所取得的成功,并重点提及我们的关爱热线 ─ 用以推动工人福祉的核心项目。


Family-Friendly Factory 2023 Impact Report

A Family-Friendly Factory is one whose workplace policies consider the needs of their workers, especially those with family responsibilities. This program has been developed with support and guidance from UNICEF, incorporating their Family-Friendly Policies established to positively contribute to the human development of countries and particularly to early childhood since they allow parents and caregivers to balance work and personal life and the care of children.

This report shows the impacts, outcomes and case studies from four factories, participating in the 2023 program, benefitting over 8,000 workers.

Read here

This report is also available to read in Spanish

Family-Friendly Spaces: Impacts & Achievements 2023

2023 marked the 8th year of the Family-Friendly Spaces program. This briefing celebrates the impacts and achievements from the 33 factories which participated in the 2023 program, with insights from the 23 repeating factories and the 10 joining the program for the first time this year.

This report spotlights one of the factories that has implemented the Spaces program since its pilot phase in 2016, and he measurable impacts the program has produced proving it as an effective solution to combat labor shortages and improve employee engagement on all levels. The report also shows how our Family-Friendly Spaces transforms parent-child relationships and supports the developmental needs of children.

Gender Equality Impact Report 2023

We are proud to publish the first Impact Report for the Gender Equality program.

The Gender Equality program was developed in response to the needs of manufacturing workers. Initial program development was funded by program member, Mattel. This report celebrates the impacts and achievements from the 12 factories which participated in the pilot program.

The program works directly with factories to educate and promote equality in the workplace, empower female workers and help companies achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal No.5: Achieve Gender Equality and Empower all Women and Girls.