CEO Message: New Services to Support Your Forward-Looking Supply Chain Strategy

As our members think about their objectives and priorities for 2022 it is timely that I share with you some of our plans for next year. IETP’s purpose is to support our member companies achieve their responsible sourcing objectives. We will continue to do this by evolving our organization to develop, and successfully deliver, new services.

As our members think about their objectives and priorities for 2022 it is timely that I share with you some of our plans for next year. IETP’s purpose is to support our member companies achieve their responsible sourcing objectives. We will continue to do this by evolving our organization to develop, and successfully deliver, new services. In 2021 use of the IETP Social Impact Assessment Program grew significantly. This program serves a different need to that of Factory Certification. It has been designed to help companies assess their supply partners ability to manage their own social compliance risks. The remote assessment, with verification, is scalable, quick, and low cost. If you want to find out more about how this program can help you, get in touch with aine.mccarthy@ethicaltoyprogram.orgTo support the growth of IETP we continue to invest in technology. Both our Factory Certification and Social Impact Assessment Programs are supported with technology platforms (Connect) that enable users to access the information they need in real time and share management reports on performance with their internal and external stakeholders at the touch of a button. In 2022 we will further invest in technology to deliver our new Environmental Questionnaire (EQ). We are expanding our scope to include this optional program for supplier members. The EQ is designed to provide a starting point for suppliers to share information with their customers, information on their environmental management systems, metrics on their energy and water use, and their efforts regarding recycling. The EQ has been developed in collaboration with our members and overseen by the Technical Advisory Council (TAC), members of TAC include Target, LEGO & The Walt Disney Co. You can find out more about the TAC here . We will launch this new program in early 2022 and share with you all more information shortly. If you would like to learn more about this program sooner, please get in touch at As well as the Environmental Questionnaire we will be launching other technology enabled services including a Worker Engagement Tool, enabling us to proactively engage with workers at scale, and a new Certification Self-Assessment Questionnaire (CSAQ). The new CSAQ will enable supplier members to share with us information ahead of an on-site audit meaning less time needed on site, reducing audit costs, without compromising quality. We shall also be working to offer members enhanced Supplier Finder tools. We know that many of our members are looking for new suppliers. We want to connect buyers and suppliers more effectively in the future, adding more value to our member companies. A unique part of IETP is our Best for Worker Programs.These are programs that go beyond the services offered by audit only programs and deliver measurable positive impacts for workers, factory management and of course their customers.In 2022 we will further develop our programs supporting parents in the workplace, specifically we aim to create a global standard, assisting factories to become a recognised Family Friendly Factory.We will also launch a Gender Equality program, helping our factory members to ensure women are safe, respected and empowered in the workplace. 2022 will be a busy year! The entire team at IETP and I look forward to working with you, to achieving even more together and to continuing to deliver leadership in labor standards and environmental stewardship.