Guidance on new ICTI Ethical Toy Program branding for factories

What is happening?

What is happening? In January 2018, ICTI CARE became the ICTI Ethical Toy Program.As well as a new name, we are introducing new benefits for factories including a new easy to use, mobile-friendly website, and later in the year we will be rolling out improvements to our audit checklist and enhanced factory assessments. Since the launch of our new branding, we’ve received positive feedback from factories and have learned that many of you are excited to learn how to incorporate our new branding into your website and other materials. This Q&A provides instructions to help use the new ICTI Ethical Toy Program branding in your communications. 1) Our new nameFull name of the our program: ICTI Ethical Toy ProgramAcronym of our program: IETPOur new website: www.ethicaltoyprogram.orgOur online platform: Connect connect.ethicaltoyprogram.org2) The use of our logoThis is how our new logo should appear when you use it, please note, prior written consent should be obtained via It should be no smaller than 30mm wide and you should feature your seal number, displayed as per this style guide. You can download a copy of the new logo here. Reminder of what to check for when you are using our new logo: To use our logo your factory must hold a valid ICTI Ethical Toy Program Seal of Compliance. If you’re a parent/sister company, you must clearly indicate that the seal is from a certified factory.To show that you are certified, when using our logo, you should add your seal number (i.e.: C001234) underneath the ICTI Ethical Toy Program LogoPrior written consent should be obtained from IETP via 3) What if your current seal has the old ICTI CARE logo on it?All current Seals of Compliance will remain valid. Your Seal will be updated to our new branding following your next audit cycle. Using our logo helps others to recognize your efforts and commitments toward responsible sourcing, all factories should switch over to the ICTI Ethical Toy Program logo as soon as possible. 4) If you are not a certified factory but would like to use the ICTI Ethical Toy Program logoIf you are not a certified factory, please contact us to find out more about our program and to discuss logo usage via If you have any questions on using the ICTI Ethical Toy Program logo or our new branding in general, please email or call our Factory Helpdesk on +852 2111 2462.