IETP 将于路透社主办的Responsible Business USA 2021会议上发言


IETP很荣幸成为路透社主办的Responsible Business USA 2021之合作伙伴。日期:11月16-18日形式:在线会议IETP 将会参与专题讨论IETP 总裁兼首席执行官Carmel Giblin女士将会主持两场专题讨论:现在是超越设立目标的时候了,企业需要开始制定能够带来改变和行动的策略。按此获取IETP 会员专享的免费通行证11月16日:量度ESG中的S:以标准化的方法来衡量社会影响获取免费通行证11月18日:目标导向的采购:通过支持和协作以重建富弹性/ 更具復原力的供应链获取免费通行证整个会议将以英语进行,详情如下:After mass disruption the climate emergency is being felt across the US and its effects are already apparent, from wild fires on the West Coast and flooding on the South and Eastern Coast devastating communities. Business must take action now, It’s time for corporate executives to focus on a new business future with climate, social equality and racial issues front and center. This transition is the largest investment opportunity in history and the new Administration marks a critical change in our efforts to tackle generation-defining issues. This renewed vision will only be achieved if business seizes the opportunity and leads action both within the US and further afield.This is the new business imperative. It’s time we move beyond setting goals and move to enacting strategies that deliver change and action. We need a new business model, economic system and new definitive actions that create long-term value for business, its stakeholders and the wider society. Reuters Events: Responsible Business USA 2021 will convene 4,000+ business, policy, investment and sustainability leaders who are driving change to share new strategies and solutions on HOW business can innovation, invest and collaborate to lead a new business future. Join us on November 16-18 as we ensure greater action and leadership in 2022 and beyond.Join 4,000+ virtual attendees. Limited Free pass available, claim it now!