Communicating your responsible sourcing commitments to your customers

Consumers are becoming more and more interested in responsible and ethical purchasing. Research shows that as many as 88%[1] of consumers want the brands that they are buying from to help them to become more ethical in their daily lives.

Consumers are becoming more and more interested in responsible and ethical purchasing. Research shows that as many as 88%[1] of consumers want the brands that they are buying from to help them to become more ethical in their daily lives.By sourcing from IETP certified factories your company is supporting the welfare of workers in your value chain by ensuring standards are adhered to. And for some members, it may be a legal requirement to share due diligence efforts and actions taken to assess and manage risk in relation to slavery and human trafficking in business and supply chains. Many companies who use IETP certified suppliers in their supply chains or who participate in our additional worker well-being programs every year regularly communicate this to their customers via their website and through annual reporting. We want to support more brands and retailers to highlight their commitments to ethical sourcing, by demonstrating the responsible actions taken in their supply chain, and meet their regulatory obligations to publish a slavery and human trafficking statement. Therefore, we have created an effort-saving on-pack emblem and briefing which you can use to update website messaging and to place your commitment to responsible sourcing directly on packaging and online product pages to help all consumers make the right ethical decisions at the point of purchase.Our new emblem has been designed in three different colour ways to match a variety of packaging colours and helps consumers to quickly learn your responsible manufacturing commitments. Click here to download the briefing and click here to download the emblem pack for you to start using right away.______________[1] Forbes: ‘88% Of Consumers Want You To Help Them Make A Difference’