IETP 将于路透社主办的Sustainable Finance & Reporting Europe 2021会议上发言


IETP很荣幸能够成为路透社主办的Sustainable Finance & Reporting Europe (欧洲可持续金融及发展报告) 2021之合作伙伴。日期:11月25-26日形式:在线会议参与IETP 将进行发言的在线会议IETP 总裁兼首席执行官Carmel Giblin女士将于11月25日11:00 – 11:45 (格林尼治标准时间) 发言主题:ESG-Driven Disclosure Keynote: Identifying and Disclosing the Right Data目前ESG的信息披露状况并不符合投资者的需要。我们有必要采用更具前瞻性、以数据驱动和标准化的方法,以便进行更严格的审查和提高可比较性。来自各企业及金融机构的领导将会就新方法的开发进行讨论。与Carmel 一同参与的嘉宾包括:Ole Buhl, Senior Vice President - Head of ESG, ATPClus Stig Pedersen, Head of Corporate Sustainability, NovozymesAndromeda Wood, VP of Regulatory Strategy, Workiva获取免费通行证以参与我们的讨论IETP 总裁兼首席执行官Carmel Giblin女士将于11月26日11:00 – 11:45 (格林尼治标准时间) 发言主题:Shifting to Stakeholder Capitalism: Closing the Gap Between Sustainable and Economic Growth利益相关方的要求促使管理层和决策者重新思考企业的目标。更切合社会需要的服务将增加利益相关方的长期回报,但这需要一种新的管理方法。让我们一同探索创新的形式,让企业以协作模式一同建构更透明的方法来显示针对处理气候和社会问题的成果。Carmel将与以下嘉宾进行讨论:Andrea Álvares, Chief Brand, Innovation, International and Sustainability Officer, NaturaMelanie Kreis, Chief Financial Officer, DPDHL GroupGeraldine Matchett, Co-CEO and CEO, Royal DSM 获取免费通行证以参与我们的讨论整个会议将以英语进行,详情如下:Dawn of a New Reporting EraRegulation | Transparency | HarmonisationThe financial system should help deliver climate and social goals, but market failures and inefficiencies prevent finance from being directed where it will make the most positive impact. Investors are increasingly utilising ESG data to inform investment decisions, but a lack of standardisation, poor communication with corporations and a lack of comparable data is leading to confusion and limiting the progress towards a low-carbon, just economy.Change is afoot. Governments legislating for mandatory climate disclosures, The European Commission’s update to the NFRD, The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, and the movement towards a global climate reporting standard promises a move towards harmonisation, a common language and a solution to a problem which has constrained the industry for decades. This critical change for business will bring a plethora of new challenges and areas of investment for the business.Reuters Events: Sustainable Finance & Reporting Europe brings together sustainability, policymakers and finance executives to share how they are investing and strategising to ensure they can deliver greater transparency on sustainability risks and transition to a sustainable, climate-friendly economy. Register to get your FREE pass now!Why Attend?Reuters Events: Sustainable Finance & Reporting Europe brings together sustainability, policymakers and finance executives to share how they are investing and strategising to ensure they can deliver greater transparency on sustainability risks and transition to a sustainable, climate-friendly economy. Executive Speakers Include:Paul Simpson, CEO, CDPAlain Deckers, Head of Unit, Corp Reporting, Audit and Credit Rating Agencies, European CommissionJanine Guillot, CEO, Value Reporting FoundationAllison Lee, Acting Chair and Commissioner, Securities and Exchange CommissionSteve Waygood, Chief Responsible Investment Officer, AvivaRick Lacaille, Senior Advisor, State StreetPatrick de Cambourg, Board Member, EFRAGClara Barby, Project Lead, IFRS FoundationLila Karbassi, Chief Programmes, UN Global CompactIda Krabek, Head of Global Sustainability, OrstedWebsite: to get a corporate access pass for FREE: