Family-Friendly Spaces activities updates

These factories transformed spaces on-site into fantastic childcare facilities to accommodate the children of their workers. During the work day the children are looked after by specialist teachers and supervisors who provide opportunities for the children to learn and play.

We launched the Family-Friendly Spaces in 2016 with a pilot of two factories accommodating 80 children. This year we are delighted to have opened 30 spaces for 1,200 children.The 30 spaces opened this summer during July and August at factories participating in the Family-Friendly Spaces program. These factories transformed spaces on-site into fantastic childcare facilities to accommodate the children of their workers. During the work day the children are looked after by specialist teachers and supervisors who provide opportunities for the children to learn and play. This summer the children have enjoyed a range of activities including discovering new technologies with 3D Printing Pens, baking lessons, workshops with LEGO and Mattel toys, day trips to museums and aquariums as well as financial literary classes to teach the children life skills.Click here to take a look at some of the activities going on at Family-Friendly Spaces this summer, the page is updated every week to include the latest updates from the spaces.As this summer’s Family-Friendly Spaces wrap-up, the next phase of work will focus on delivering Migrant Parents Training (MPT) Workshops which help workers build stronger relationships with their left-behind children. The MPT training workshops provide practical tools to lessen the burden of workers’ separation from their children, including helping parents come to terms with living apart from their children, educating parents on how to provide support for their children and how to handle conflict remotely, and giving practical guidance on communications skills supplemented with tools and activities to strengthen the parent-child bond.Contact us to find out more about our MPT programs and to discuss how your company can get involved by participating in these programs in 2020.